Patient Appointments During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Central Nephrology Clinic is offering TELEHEALTH VISITS or PHONE VISITS for patients. In-clinic visits will be decided by our physicians on a case by case basis. If you have an appointment in the near future, we will contact you about your visit options. If your appointment is within the next week and have not been contacted by our office, feel free to call us at 601-981-1610. Please be prepared to update your medication list at each visit. This form is available below on our “New Patient Packet” tab on Page 4. Click here to download that PDF form.
Temporary LAB Hours:
- For Clinic appointments – 8:00 am to 12:00 pm / M – F
- For Telehealth Visits – 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm / M – F
Please note that our clinic is doing the following:
- Maintaining a clean environment for the safety of our patients and clinical employees.
- Implementing Telemedicine for the safety and convenience of our patients and staff.
- Monitoring and adhering to all CDC guidelines for the safety of everyone.
Any patients with the following will not be allowed to visit our clinic:
- All patients with an active fever (100.4 degrees), cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, chills with shaking, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell, will need to contact their primary physician or report to the ER.
- If you have been exposed to the virus, or been in contact with someone who has been exposed to, or is waiting on results of testing, you will be asked to have a Telehealth Visit.